How far along: 31 weeks, only 6 more until full-term!
Total weight gain: TOO much, pretty much the same as I gained with Arianna and I definitely am not putting it out there ha.
Maternity clothes: I haven't been able to wear regular clothes since about 12-13 weeks, I am wearing Donovan's t-shirts and sweats/stretchy pants.
Stretch marks: The ones I had from Arianna that are on my side are showing up more because they are stretching back out and then the few I had in the front from her are more distinct. Hopefully they go away!
Sleep: What's that? I literally wake up so much and toss and turn it is ridiculous. I wake up to pee so much and he wakes me up with his kicking.
Best moment of this week: My doctor's appointment today, got to hear booger's heartbeat and it went up and down and he got mad at her for poking around, lol.
Miss anything: Being able to sleep good and on my stomach, wear my cute clothes, exercise, energy -sigh-
Movement: He literally sleeps like an hour a day it feels! Whenever I feel him kick, I lift my shirt up and the little stinker stops moving so you can't see it!
Food cravings: Nothing really. I have been eating normal meals and nothing outrageous like in the beginning when I stuffed my face hourly.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not like it used to
Have you started to show yet: I started showing before I knew I was pregnant!
Gender: Boy!!
Labor signs: Some mild contractions here and there but nothing too painful. I also have contractions that tighten my stomach but nothing that hurts.
Belly button in or out: Still in. It stayed in the whole time with Arianna and with him, it's in but kind of flat ha.
Wedding rings on or off: Engagement ring is off, it almost got stuck the other day so I freaked and kept it off, ha.
Happy or moody most of the time: Moody. I get agitated so easily now. Thank god Arianna and Donovan put up with it lol
Looking forward to: Moving into our new house and finishing up putting his bed together and everything. Him and Arianna are sharing a room for the time being because we don't want her in the basement alone.
Hey Brook!
ReplyDeleteI'm a new follower and have enjoyed reading your pregnancy update! I will officially be 28 weeks with baby #3 tomorrow. I'm excited and nervous all at the same time. About to play catch up and read more of your posts now :)
Awe congrats on your pregnancy!! I am huge this one and so much water weight and ugh! lol. How is yours going? I will definitely stop by your blog here soon to check it out! I think I already followed you, I will double check that too!
DeleteHow CUTE! I can't wait for the after baby post bc I know he is going to be so cute like his big sister. I've got a bit of baby fever but Shan isn't having any of that lol. Have you tried the Children's Place for jeans?
ReplyDeleteLOL! Good for Shan haha j/k. You two would have some beautiful children! I will look at the Children's place, I have tried everywhere it seems!!