Well something funny happened with blogger and it deleted ALL the blogs I follow or at least it looks like it by the way my blogger dashboard has no blogs there. Hm I will investigate! I should update soon, maybe. I have lots of homework and school just started today lol.

1. What is your favorite Social Media outlet?
Oh man, I have quite a few but right now I haven't been using anything other than Instagram and Pinterest. Ahh I am definitely addicted to Pinterest.
2. Do you subscribe to any daily news reads?
I do subscribe to my local news feeds, such as WILX and WLNS. I probably will subscribe to CNN sooner or later since I check that website quite a bit a lot.
3. Favorite Magazine to have by the pool?
I don't bring any magazine by the pool because I am one that likes to relax and play in the pool with my baby. We have so much fun with each other in the water.
4. Favorite summertime song?
Anything by Drake. Most of his songs remind me of the summertime or some nice old school R&B love songs. AHH cannot wait until the summer weather officially hits us!
5. Best Summer concert you’ve been to?
Wow I haven't been to a concert in a long time. The last concert I went to was with my mom at Soaring Eagle Casino and it was Josh Gracin (Winner of American Idol some time ago) and Buddy Jewel. Otherwise I do not remember any after that, I think that was literally my last concert. I would like to hit up Common Ground some time in the near future!
Don't expect posts during the week for a little while. School starts back up for summer June 6th and it is 16 weeks crammed into 8 weeks and also I should be closing on my house this week. Just waiting on my lender to let me know a date and time. Also since this new position, I am on salary so if I have to get things finished, I will be doing it on my own time, like I did yesterday. I made a deposit and went in to clear off a lot of stuff from my desk. Tomorrow I have to show the lady how to do renewal letters so that I can run to corporate and drop off month-end stuff and I also have to put some PO's in the system and everything else. Ahh it is going to be a long day but definitely will go by fast. I also have to give the lady keys and show her how to open up and close the office because Monday I have a regular pre-natal check-up and she will have to close by herself. The joys of being the manager. Hopefully the new owners close soon on the property so that they can figure out what they want to do with hiring a person for when I am on maternity leave. So stressed but it'll get better and the pay will definitely be worth it! First paycheck this week with my raise, definitely curious to see how it looks after insurance and taxes! Anyways goodnight ladies. I am going to go eat some tacos my hubby is cooking and go to sleep, a long day tomorrow! ps; Updated my layout for fourth of July!! So excited with how it turned out!
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