I won't say much but Happy Memorial Day! This is the day where we give thanks to everyone who has put their life on the line for us and some have died for us to have our freedom. My cousin Sarah was in the Air Force, she never went overseas, however I do still give her thanks since she did take that risk with doing the job she did. Also a few friends of mine have joined or are in different forms of the military, marines, air force etc. So as you are BBQing and hanging out with family and friends, remember some other families aren't so lucky to be able to do that on this day.
I am going to my mothers and we are going to make some yummy peanut butter fudge, I am so excited because I am hankering for it. I also got some motivation up to vacuum the house and clean the downstairs bathroom and kitchen. I do still have to mop the floors down there and clean this upstairs bathroom. I somehow also managed to put laundry away that wasn't from 2 weeks ago but rather from this weekend. Heh. Anyways I am going to go now and eat some breakfast that the hubby is cooking up. ps; Does anybody else have a problem with the new pinterest? Mine shows up weird and some things I cannot click on. Meh. Let me know.

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I am so proud of myself. I coded a blogger layout from SCRATCH! Yay! Now I can have my original layout. That was tedious though ha Well...
I again, am linking up for 52 weeks of blogging with a purpose with Frommrstomama.com . This weeks topic is "If I were to win the l...
So I decided I would blog since the rest of my week will consist of finishing up some things for classes since only two more weeks of the...
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Happy Memorial Day!
Posted by
Monday, May 27, 2013
10:14 AM
memorial day,
Sunday Social
Posted by
Sunday, May 26, 2013
8:36 AM
sunday social

Best Summer memory as a kid?: I really don't remember, I loved going swimming in our pool when we had one and to the Aquatic Center.
Favorite summer drink?: Non-alcoholic would be Kool-Aid, I am a sucker for some nice Kool-Aid lol.
Favorite Summer TV show?: I don't have just a favorite summer show. I usually watch the same shows but a nice little romantic or girly movie would be great.
Best outdoor summer activity?: Playing outside with my booger and swimming. I definitely love swimming!
Summer vacation essentials?: Sunscreen of course lol. Flip-flops, maxi dresses, sandals, anything cute and summery!!
Sunday Social
Posted by
Sunday, May 19, 2013
2:06 PM
sunday social
I promise to update tomorrow for Sunday Social. Things have been crazy this week. Trying to finish up some last things before we can close on the house and it has been stressful and pretty hectic plus my raging hormones are not helping. See you tomorrow!

1. What is your favorite kind of surprise?: Any surprise to me is exciting! I really don't have one specific favorite. I do like when I come home and dinner is ready and the house is cleaned and laundry is put away ;-).
2. Flowers or Chocolate?: Chocolate all the way, I love flowers, in the garden but when you bring me something I would rather have chocolate over flowers!
3. What is your favorite summertime activity?: Going to the beach with Arianna and friends or the park with Arianna and Donovan. I love also to take a walk with my family at night. Definitely cannot wait to go swimming with my pregnant self this summer!
4. Do you have any vacations planned this Summer?: Nope. With baby coming and the new house. We definitely have to start saving money when my raise kicks in.
5. Favorite Summer Holiday?: Fourth of July and Memorial Day (even though that is spring). Both days I have off from work so it definitely is great.
6. Dream Vacation?: Any vacation. I have, believe it or not, never technically been on a vacation. I went to Wisconsin Dells when I was like 15 with my mom and that was that. I haven't been anywhere exciting. I am hoping if everything with my job goes well and I come back from maternity leave and still have the same position, that we can save a lot of money for a vacation, that would be nice.
Summer Love
Posted by
Saturday, May 18, 2013
9:09 PM

25 weeks
Posted by
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
6:35 PM
I am so proud of myself. I coded a blogger layout from SCRATCH! Yay! Now I can have my original layout. That was tedious though haWell I decided I would update while I am on a little break from school (3 weeks) and while I am on the computer and thinking about it. I was 25 weeks yesterday, only 15 (OR LESS!) to go. I am so excited to meet my baby boy! We are closing on the house in a few weeks or less also. Everything is falling into play. I got promoted to property manager and I am hoping everything goes good with that. Not many people are renting this year it seems like. Last year, this time, it was super busy and we got lots of rentals, this year, not so much traffic period. That or so many people are looking way down the road to the point that it is quite annoying because I want them in now, not August or later. Plus who is to say what prices and availability is that far down the road if you don't put in an application and people just don't seem to understand that. We are running great specials and everything, I told the regional that I am going to start stalking and kidnapping tomorrow! Seriously! Ugh. So annoying. I really don't have much to say. I just wanted to pop in. I will definitely post pictures of the house once we close and take occupancy. So excited! Also with my promotion I am going to be making $14,000+ more a year! Hopefully things go good like I said, lol. If not I will open up my own daycare and make decent money too. So I definitely have a back-up plan. Anyways I am going to go now and eat something and lay down since I am pooped, even though I haven't done anything haha. Night ladies!
I'm here!
Posted by
Saturday, May 11, 2013
7:18 PM
So I decided to try out blogger to see how I like it as far as a free blogging platform. I currently have WordPress for Urbanscenes.org but the free host I am using to host my domain through keeps going down and certain things are annoying me over there because I can't update some things because it is a free host so things are definitely slower and limited. I decided to give this a go though. I used a layout from Nympfont (sp?) link is on the bottom for now. I am hoping since I am out of school for 3 weeks until summer semester starts up that I can learn some blogger coding to hopefully code my own layout to my liking, we will see. I am going to keep this post short and hopefully go through and update my link in some peoples google friend connect. Anyways so here I am with a blogger, it will take me some time to get used to since I am a WordPress lover all the way but do not want to pay for hosting right now.
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